Corner Guards

Corner guards help to protect your facility’s walls from impact damage and complement a variety of interiors and protect the edges of your walls from the inevitable abuse of high-traffic areas. Perfect for use in a variety of commercial applications such as hospitals, airports, restaurants, retail stores, kitchens, garages, workshops, warehouses, sports complexes, concert venues, offices, etc. Boss Corner Guards are a perfect solution to a troublesome problem. We offer standard sizes to be purchased online, and since we are the manufacturer, we are able to fabricate to your exact dimensions.

We love custom orders.

Standard Bend: 90° bend; custom degree corners such as a 135° bend is also available.

Standard Lengths are 48” and 96”; we can manufacture custom guards from 4” up to 120”.

Standard Profile: Outside Corner


Specification Codes:

Division 5 - Metals

Division 10 - Interior Specialties

102600 Wall and Door Protection Products

102613 Wall and Door Protection Products - Corner Guards

UNSPSC: 30161500 Wall Finishing Materials

UNSPSC: 30161504 Corner Guards

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