Aluminum Checker Plate Corner Guards for Local Art Stuidos

by Boss Steel on January 13, 2017

If you own, operate, or manage a small local art studio, then you are part of a dying breed. Across the United States, small art studios have historically been instrumental in keeping the arts alive in local communities by fostering interest and accessibility to local art for both consumers and budding artists. 

Unfortunately, art studios are costly to maintain and often challenging to operate. Since approximately half of all artists and craft professionals are self-employed, artists often find themselves facing severe financial challenges. 

Hence the joke about "starving artists" -- a joke that actual artists ten to find particularly un-funny. We agree. Artists and craft professionals bring joy, warmth, and color to life, and we want to do what we can to support them. 

Because we know that every penny counts, we encourage local artists to consider installing aluminum checker plate corner guards in their studios as soon as possible. While it's true that this decision will require a small financial outlay, in the long run, your financial investment will reap great rewards by lowering your yearly maintenance costs and keeping down your bottom line.

Because we know that aesthetics are important to artists, we encourage you to check out all of our various sizes, styles, and thicknesses of guards before making your decision. While we stand by our recommendation of the aluminum checker plate guards, we know that another style might work better for your needs.

To hear more about our various lines of guards, or if you would like to chat with us about anything else, please feel free to contact us. We love supporting the arts, and we look forward to working with you.